Sunday, November 3, 2013

Eating in the Dining Hall

One of the things that I struggle with oftentimes here at Colgate is finding healthy options to eat in the dining hall; particularly Frank. A great way to make healthy and interesting meals is to innovate. To make a well balanced meal, sometimes you have to get creative! In each meal you should have a balance of protein, veggies/fruit, carbohydrates and healthy fats. I am going to post examples of meals that I have created for myself in the past with a few simple steps. The following steps are to create a yummy whole wheat pasta dish!

Step 1: Frank always has plain whole wheat pasta. Put a serving of this wheat pasta in a bowl.
Step 2: Drizzle the pasta with olive oil and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. (found near pasta station)
Step 3: Find some sort of protein to put on the pasta. Look at the salad bar for chicken, near the grill station they often have turkey burgers, at the salad bar they have hard boiled eggs etc...
Step 4: What's left? Vegetables. Look for some sort of vegetable such as broccoli, shredded carrots at the salad bar, the occasional sautéed spinach at the vegetarian station or even some tomatoes from the salad bar! 

Mix all of the above together and you have a healthy, well balanced and delicious meal! Also, don't be afraid sometimes to ask for different pieces of entrees that Frank serves. For example if they are serving meatloaf, potatoes and steamed broccoli, ask the server for JUST the broccoli if you need a veggie for your pasta! Being creative is a great way to create filling and interesting meals so you don't get tired of the food so quickly since our options are very limited. Hope you enjoyed this recipe!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to share my favorite and very healthy desert option at Frank:
    -granola and sliced bananas in a bowl with vanilla soy milk…the vanilla soy milk gives it a sweet and creamy taste!!! MY FAV!
