Sunday, November 3, 2013

My Favorite Healthy Snacks

Everyone gets hungry between meals on occasion! In fact, its actually healthier to eat consistently throughout the day in smaller portions rather than eating three huge meals. This keeps your metabolism going all day! I try to limit myself to one or two snacks a day. I definitely have some favorite healthy snacks that are easily accessible on Colgate's campus!

1) Apple and Peanut Butter- Frank dining hall always has peanut butter and most of the time has apples also. If they don't, try banana and peanut butter-- its delicious and healthy! Try to limit yourself to a spoonful of peanut butter since it is high in calories, but it is certainly very healthy and filled with TONS of good fats.

2) Kashi GO LEAN! Bar- I love these bars. Not only do they taste delicious, but they have 9 grams of protein in them and 6 grams of fiber. They sell the Chocolate Peanut ones at the C-Store in the Coop and I love eating them with a cup of coffee as a mid-morning snack. 

3) Veggies and Hummus- At the Coop, you can purchase carrot/celery sticks and hummus cups that come with pretzels. While you can certainly eat the pretzels, eating the veggies with the hummus is a slightly healthier choice! Whenever you have the opportunity to get an extra serving of veggies into your it! The more the better. This is an easy on-the-go snack!

4) Plain Greek Yogurt with Honey- At Frank they have plain greek yogurt. While the fruit flavored yogurt is delicious, you are better off eating the plain yogurt that has much less sugar and drizzling it with honey that can be found near the coffee and tea section. Honey has sugar also, but is a much healthier source of sugar and antioxidants. At the C-store they have fruit flavored Chobani that is also a healthy midday snack.

5) Air Popped popcorn- While microwave popcorn is not necessarily the healthiest, if you can get to Price Chopper you can purchase individual 100 calorie packages of microwave popcorn. This is a delicious light snack that has some fiber in it and will satisfy a craving for something salty!

6) Hard Boiled Egg- They always have hard boiled eggs at Frank. Eat one sprinkled with a little salt and pepper. MAKE SURE you eat the yolk!!! A lot of people do not eat the yolk because they fear it has too much fat and cholesterol. However, egg yolks are a far better source of calcium, iron, phosphorous, zinc, folate, and vitamins B6, B12, A, E, and D. Sure, the whites have some protein and are low calorie but the health benefits of the yolk far outweigh the whites. So if you were to throw one of the two out it should the WHITES!

6) Are you ACTUALLY hungry? Sometimes we think we are hungry but it could be our bodies way of saying that we are thirsty or tired. Or sometimes we eat when we are bored! If you don't think you're actually hungry...try making a cup or green tea or herbal tea with 1 tbsp honey. Drink this, wait 15-20 minutes and if you are still hungry, have a snack!

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